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What is cellulitis? Clinical features and treatment of cellulitis?

Definition:- A spreading inflammation of connective tissue. It is usually subcutaneous and caused by β-haemolytic Streptococci or Staphylococcus aureus.

Causative organism(C.O):- streptococcus pyogens ( β-haemolytic streptococci, streptococcus aureus) 

Source of infection(S.O.I):- 

• wounds and injuries

‌• scratch

‌• snack or scorpion bite

Common sites:-

•‌ lower limbs

‌• face

•‌ scrotum

Clinical features(C/F):-

‌• history of trauma

‌• pain:- constant & throbbing in nature

Constitutional symptoms:-

•‌ fever

‌• headache

‌• malaise

‌• loss of appetite

‌• Toxemia


‌• redness

‌• affected part is warm

‌• swelling

‌• tenderness

‌• induration(localized hardening of the soft tissue of the body) 

‌• enlarge regional lymph nodes


‌• blood examination:- CBP with ESR

‌• urine routine microscopy

‌• Culture and sensitivity test of blood and puss


‌• rest and elevation of affected part

‌• glycerin magnesium sulphate dressing

‌• antibiotics (broad spectrum) 

‌• anti-inflammatory

‌• analgesic

‌• insulin in diabetes melitus

‌• antivenom in case of snake bite

‌• surgery:- if inflammation is not subside after 48-78 hours of treatment and abscess is formed then perform incision and drainage (I&D) 


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