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Pathology of Shock

Definition : Shock is a life threatening clinical syndrome of cardiovascular collapse characterised by hypotension and hypoperfusion.
Classification :
1.      Hypovolaemic shock : This is occur due to circulatory blood volume.
2.      Cardiogenic shock : Acute circulatory failure with sudden fall in cardiac output.
3.      Septic shock : It is occur due to severe bacterial infection.
4.      Other types : Traumatic shock, Neurogenic shock and Hypoadrenal shock.

Pathogenesis :
·         Reduced effective circulating blood volume.
·         Impaired tissue oxygenation.
·         Release of inflammatory mediators.
Morphological features : The morphologic changes in shock are due to hypoxia resulting in degeneration and necrosis of various organs like brain, heart, lungs and kidneys.
Clinical features : Very low blood pressure, subnormal temperature, feeble and irregular pulse, shallow and sighing respiration, pale face, sunken eyes, weakness, cold and clammy skin.
Complication :
·         Acute respiratory distress syndrome.
·         Disseminated intravascular coagulation.
·         Acute renal failure.
·         Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.


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