Definition :- it is an acute inflammation of Lymphatics of skin and mucus membrane caused by Streptococcus pyogens. Pre disposing factor :-
1. Malnutrition
2. Poor hygiene
3. Chronic diseases
4. Children and old people are commonly affected.
Site :-
1. Face
2. Eyelids
3. Scrotum
4. Umbilicus (in infants)
Mode of entry of the microorganism :-
1. Abrasion
2. Scratch
Clinical features :-
1. Rose pink color rashes(edges are red and button hole like consistency)
2. Vesicles appear on rash then serous discharge excreted from vesicle.
3. Swelling on affected part due to subcutaneous tissue oedema.
4. Margin- bright red in color.
5. Surface- raised
6. Brown color
7. Sign of Toxaemia Constitutional symptoms :-
1. Fever
2. Malaise Investigation :-
1. CBP with ESR
2. Bacteriology test of discharge
3. Blood sugar
Complications :-
1. Toxaemia
2. Septicaemia
3. Gangrene of skin and subcutaneous tissue
4. Lymphoedema
Treatment (Rx) :-
1. Injection crystalline penicilli...
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