Definition:- It is an inflammation of Lacrimal sac due to the chronic obstruction of Nasolacrimal duct(NLD). Causes:- the main cause of chronic Dacryocystits is obstruction of NLD. Causes of NLD obstruction:- 1. Foreign bodies 2. Stagnation of tears in tear sac 3. Recurrent conjunctivitis may block NLD by epithelial debris and mucous plug. 4. Nasal polyp 5. Deviated nasal septum(DNS) 6. Tumour 7. Infection (streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus) Clinical features (C/F):- clinical features of Chronic Dacryocystits may be divided 4 stages. 1. Stage of chronic Cattarhal Dacryocystits 2. Stage of Lacrimal Mucocele 3. Stage of chronic Suppurative Dacryocystits 4. Stage of chronic Fibrotic Sac 1. Stage of chronic Cattarhal Dacryocystits:- a. Watery eyes b. Regurgitation test:- clear or mucoid fluid discharge from lower pun...
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